Cheap renovations to increase your home's resale value

Cheap renovations to increase your home’s resale value

Cheap renovations to increase your home's value before selling

There are some cheap renovations you can do before you sell your home to increase its value. 

Each of these suggestions will be under $1,000 and can significantly increase the likelihood your home sells quickly and for a better price. 

Before you do any of these things, you can consult a realtor, like any of us at Partin Real Estate, to make sure you are renovating the most pressing things decreasing your home’s value. 

It also may be smart to get an inspection. That would eliminate any surprises when the seller gets an inspection, but it also gives you an opportunity to fix anything before listing and increase your listing price. 

Without further ado, here are some cheap renovations you can do to increase the value of your home before selling it.

Cheap renovations to increase your home’s value

Paint the rooms that need it

Painting some of your rooms — especially the ones that need a facelift — gives the impression you’ve taken care of your home and makes them look updated. 

Be sure to go with popular colors. Here’s a list we found when we searched “popular room colors 2020.” 

A gallon of paint, brushes, and the other supplies you need are easily under $100. One gallon will paint up to 400 square feet.

Deep clean your home

You could either hire a professional or spend a weekend (or week, we won’t judge) deep cleaning your home. 

One specific area you could focus on is steam cleaning your carpets to pull out any stains or discoloration possible. Don’t forget to clean the walls and the windows so more light enters your rooms making them look more inviting.

The price here can vary from free to a few hundred dollars depending on whether you do it yourself, hire a professional, and size of your home. 

Power washing home exterior and/or decks

You can get your sidewalks, porches, the exterior of your home, and your decks and patios power washed to spruce up a bit. 

This is something else you could DIY if you have the wherewithal to do so. You can buy or rent a unit or hire a pro. 

Pros report homes around 1,500 square feet will cost $100 for exterior washing. Larger homes can be nearly $400. Pressure washing a deck or patio will cost between $250 and $500.

Do some gardening

If you have a flower bed that’s been neglected, weed it and add some flowers! You can also add some shrubs or low-maintenance plants to increase your curb appeal. 

Real quick, while we’re on the subject, be sure to keep your lawn green and trimmed while you’re showing your home. 

Costs here will just depend on the plants you buy but should be very cheap. 

Add a new tile floor in bathroom

Just a disclaimer: depending on the size of your bathroom this could be more than $1,000 if you hire a pro

Tiling a floor costs, on average, $10 to $15 per square foot. 

Any fixtures that could use an update in your bathroom will also provide a huge boost to the resale value of your home. Along with the kitchen, this is one of the most important rooms to consider when renovating.

Install a new kitchen sink

Like we said under the bathroom renovations, the biggest returns will come from the bathroom and kitchen. 

It depends on how high end you go here, but on average a new sink installation will be under $400. 

Ready to sell your home? 

If you’re preparing to sell your home, consider the realtor those in Southwest Missouri have trusted for the last 30 years: Partin Real Estate. 

We have experience selling residential, commercial, and farming properties and work with anyone in Bolivar, Pittsburg, Pomme de Terre Lake, and throughout Southwest Missouri Ozarks.

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