Moving with Pets: Keeping them safe and calm

Moving with Pets: Keeping them safe and calm

Moving with pets, like the family shown here, can be stressful to the animal

As you prepare to buy or sell your house, it’s obviously a stressful time for you. If you’re moving with pets, it adds another element of worry: How do you keep your furry friends safe and calm throughout the process? We’ve compiled some of the best advice we’ve found on the subject!

Moving with pets? Preparation is key.

Packing process

If you’re a cat owner, you know they aren’t fans of change. However, some dogs also struggle with this. You can help ease their nerves by bringing in moving boxes before moving day.

On the day you plan to pack, keep your pets in a familiar room and one you plan to pack up last. On moving day, keep your pets in a quiet room with the door shut. If you have a friend that has had your pets in their home before, you can have them stay there as another option.

When moving with pets, one big thing to remember is to keep their routine as close to normal as possible.

Preparing for the road trip

It’s understandable that your pets may not have been in a crate or car in a while. However, if that’s the case you need to get them used to it before you hit the road – especially if it’s going to be a long ride. Start working on this several weeks to a couple months out.

Begin with placing their food in their crate during feeding time and let them eat with the door open. Once they’ve gotten used to that, shut the door to the crate and have them eat in the fully closed crate. Finally, begin taking short drives with them in their crate.

Reward them with treats and playtime following their crate time! The key to moving with pets is preparing them for it and reducing their shock and anxiety.

Getting used to the new digs

If your new home isn’t too far away, and if you’re allowed, take your pets to the new place and let them check it out!

After you get to your new place, you might be tempted to let them run wild and free. However, this might overwhelm them especially if they’re skittish by nature.

Start by getting them used to one room that they’re likely to spend a lot of time in already – like where they’ll be getting their food and drink. Put all of their favorite toys, treats, water and food bowls, and litter box in this room. That will help them stay in and acclimate to the room. While they are still acclimating to that room, do your best to keep doors to other rooms shut.

If this one room is not the final destination of your cat’s litter box, you can move it about one foot per day towards the room it will permanently reside in.

As for the outdoor area, you should take the time to explore it yourself first. You need to be certain there are no spots in which your pet can get loose. In a new environment, your pet can lose its bearings much easier and get lost.

This blog from an animal clinic has great advice on eating and potty behavior and when to call a veterinarian about it.

Final thoughts on moving with pets

Preparing your pets for the move and slowly acclimating them to the new house is the biggest takeaways here. Oh, and don’t forget to update their microchip with the new address and make sure their collar includes a tag with your contact info.

If you’re looking to sell your home or if you’re looking for a new home in a pet-friendly neighborhood in the Bolivar, MO and SWMO area – contact us today!

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