Is real estate an “essential industry”?
With the current COVID-19 crisis forcing more than 1 in 3 Americans to abide by state mandated “stay at home” orders, many are wondering if their real estate agent is going to be able to do the job they’re paying them for. At the time of writing this, Polk County is not under any such order, and even if we were, rest assured that our jobs would remain largely unaffected. Based on our assessment of the orders that have been passed regionally and nationwide, and knowing what we know about the industry, we are confident in saying, yes, real estate is an essential industry in the eyes of these ordinances. Although anyone reading this should, of course, double check their local ordinances.
More importantly, if your real estate agent is working right now, what are they doing? What should they be doing?
In this blog we’re going to talk about what a good real estate agent can do for you in a crisis.
One word can sum up the way most people are feeling right now – uncertain. Only an idiot would feel any other way. Anyone who tells you they can see into the future is either unstable or trying to separate you from your hard-earned cash as quickly as they can manage.
Uncertainty is just part of life, and unfortunately, it’s part of investing – in anything. The trick, of course, is to minimize that uncertainty as much as possible. And in times of crisis (like, just for example say, a global pandemic) that can be especially tricky. Which makes trust, transparency, honesty, and communication all the more important when it comes to how your real estate agent works for you during a crisis.
I could sit here all day long and tell you that since the Great Depression, on average, recessions only last about 11 months. I could tell you that many of the factors that caused the 2008 housing crash are not the rampant problem they were back then, and how often the housing market safely weathers and can even help aid in the recovery from recessions. I could bore you with all sorts of real estate knowledge. Seriously. I’m a nerd for this stuff. It’s what I do. But in a rapidly evolving crisis, you don’t need a real estate agent who’s just looking to protect his commision by spouting out of context statistics to calm you down.
You need a reality check. You need someone who is going to shoot you straight – and fast – which means you need a local agent who’s in it with you for the long haul. One who can provide personal, localized service to help you weather any crisis with peace of mind.
When it comes to any crisis, the situation can change daily, let alone weekly or monthly. Has your agent checked in with you? Have they checked on your property to make sure it’s secure? Have they checked in with your buyer/seller? Have they sat down with you to make a new plan for the coming days/weeks/months? Have they done anything other than post to social media?
Before purchasing this Business from Sandy Hoover this year, I worked for Sandy for 6 years. Hoover Real Estate has been serving the Bolivar, Polk County area since 1992, and at Partin Real Estate we fully intend to carry on the legacy of hard work, honesty, and clear communication that Sandy Hoover worked so hard to build. We’re a local real estate office built by local Missourians from the ground up.
We’re here for you.
Viruses, tornados, tigers, lions and bears – you name it – we’ll be here ready to work for you.
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